Monday, November 3, 2008

Final Election Blog Post

So here it goes: the winner is...[drum roll]... Barack Obama.

SURPRISE!! 353 to 185 electoral votes. popular vote..probably lots for barack..he has all the highly populated states with lots of democratic voters and lots of electoral votes. thanks california.

Senate race: The democratic candidate mark warner wins over Republican Jim gilmore. Warner has been leading by 30+ points in the polls for weeks. it is nearly impossible for him to lose...

House of Reps: 10th district winner is Wolf. I would vote for him 1. because judy feder? really? we can do better... also he must be doing something right.. he's been in office for longer than i've been alive.
11th: to be honest, i only know one person who's running: Gerry Connolly, and he looks like a nice guy. plus, he seems to be winning 58% of votes according to recent polls so yeah. he wins!


1 comment:

SinginMolly09 said...

I know what you mean! I'm so sick of the "I am so and so and I approve this message." It's almost over! I agree with you the Connally is going to win the 11th district. Although I don't a lot about him, if most Virginians are voting for Obama, odds are citizens in that area will mostly vote straight ticket. The only difference is in the 10th district, which may be VA's only Republican victory because every just seems to like Wolf because he's been doing it for so long. We have to have some people with experience in government and so far, he's the Republicans only hope. Cool blog!