Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Current EVENT 2

ok...so news is the presidential debate was friday night... McCain didn't cancel; the VP debate is thursday. is putting one on friday and one on thursday supposed to showthat the VP debate is less important. 10 bucks says more ppl watch it. but the VP debate should be as important as the presidentail debates for a number of reasons. 1. the VP has to run the country if anything happen to the president, and McCain is no spring chicken. 2. people often forget that thjey need tyo vote for the VP as much as the president.. mayeb not as much in this election, simply because of how heated the contest over the VP candidates was.
other news that that... the 700 billion bill is going half for half in congress right now.. as a result ppl are panicking that it wont be passed and the stock market is contuining to drop. it seems to me if that's what happens when there is only a chanceit wont pass... what will happen if it doest? crashhhh ?

Thursday, September 25, 2008

current event reflection uno

so. current events for the current...times are as follows: stock market is falling apart. congress proposed a 700 billion dollar bail-out (that's quite a lot of money...) and is currently fighting about it, and also proposed to scoop up and bail out fannie mae and freddy mac (which are a really big deal) one question (not to be a pain in the ass, i actually want to know) did no one see this coming? isn't there a way to tell when big companies are about to go under? i mean... they weren't all shady about it enron-style so why wasn't it visible earlier that the companies were on the verge of failing? were there signs? like i said,i dont know. Also, i dont know if this 700 billion dollar bail-out is a good idea either. the U.S. already has quite a large naitonal debt so where is this money coming from? fogeign countries? that's a poor decision to let other countries have anymore power in our economy than they already do, but it is necessary to save fannie and freddy before they're past the point of no return, just for stability's sake. i wish i knew more about the economy, enough to have an intelligent discussion about this...alls i know is it's mighty scary to see the stock market in trouble.. depression scary? we shall see....

Thursday, September 18, 2008

post 1

well... to start off with i am not a big fan of politics... in general they make me angry, and so do politicians. i dont like listening to them or watching them or hearing about them, or really anything to do with politics in general. but when forced to make a decision i would have to sayi am on the republican side of most issues and generally support McCain. Like most people, my ideology and political views have come from my family and especially my parents. granted, they're hard-core conservatives and i'm not nearly that bad, but i do share a lot of their views on everything except social issues. as far as the next president goes, my main hesitation in supporting McCain are his stands on social issues: he's pro-life, anti-same sex marriage, and sarah palin's a bit of a nut about not having sex-ed. Barack Obama is young and charismatic and obviously a better public speaker than McCain, but i just don't see enough experience there to put him in charge of the country. plus, he wants to make a lot of economic changes which might not be a good idea given the precarious state of the economy right now. maybe it;s just better to let things work themselves out... i'm open to being persuaded by either candidate and i'm thinking about sitting through the presidential debate before making a final decision