Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Volunteering sucks.

soo... sunday my friend lizzie and i went volunteering for Obama. i did it mostly because they kept calling me and hounding me, and somehow got my cell phone number and creeped me the hell out, so i went to shut them up. also to learn some more about obama, see if i want to vote for him.
what i found out is don't go to neighborhoods that the volunteer organizers tell you they have already canvassed. people there are mean. out of 24 houses visited, 11 people answered the door, and only 3 of those people were even civil to us. the rest yelled, got angry and slammed the door on our faces. the people who were nice were the ones who had not been visited before, AND who had already made up their minds to vote for obama. slo really, the whole idea here is, WHY ARE WE DOING THIS IF THEY ALREADY KNOW WHO THEY'RE GOING TO VOTE FOR AND IF THE VOLUNTEERS HAVE ALREADY BEEN TO THAT NEIGHBORHOOD????? just give them a flyer that say "GO VOTE DUMB-ASS." it would be easier.

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